RE Course - 6.04 - Reversing SayHello()
The first thing I like to do is get a general idea of what the function is doing. The name of this function makes me think that it’s going to “say” hello. This could be simply returning a string, o...
The first thing I like to do is get a general idea of what the function is doing. The name of this function makes me think that it’s going to “say” hello. This could be simply returning a string, o...
Let’s start reversing this DLL. Because we want to implement this DLL into our own program, we don’t care too much about what’s going on internally. What we care about is what exported functions ar...
You should already be familiar with these topics, however, just in case you’re not, let’s go over them. Dynamic Libraries A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is a library that is loaded separately from ...
Why reverse engineer a DLL? Sometimes the documentation for a library isn’t well written or written at all. If we want to use the DLL, we will need to know how it works. In some aspects, reversing ...
This chapter will introduce you to slightly more realistic reversing with a DLL. We’re going to reverse a DLL because we can see the names of the functions. This makes reversing a little easier. Al...
Let’s take a look at some loops. Loops are pretty simple, but they are easy to miss if you are just skimming over the disassembly. When reversing a binary you won’t see keywords like “while” or “fo...
A “Hello World” program isn’t going to be much different than the one covered in 5.2 FunctionCall. There are many ways to make program print “Hello World!” in C++, I will be showing the two main wa...
Before We Begin The name of the program in the following examples is “Testing.exe”. This is why you will see “testing.*” prepended to some things. Parameters do not have to be set in any orde...
I’m excited that we are now to this point in the course. If I’m being honest, all that other stuff is pretty boring. This is the real fun stuff! Before we start reverse engineering you need to be ...
This chapter will introduce you to some vital reversing concepts by taking a look at some very simple programs. Chapter 5 - BasicReversing 5.0 BasicReversing 5.1 Before We Begin 5.2 Functio...